History & Background
The Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary
Malawi’s varied biogeography encompasses a wide diversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and species. This biodiversity is however under increasing pressure from the continued growth in human population (≈ 18 million & growing at about 2.7% annually), and unsustainable land use practices. Deforestation, for instance, leads to disturbance and destruction of ecosystems, loss of habitats and declining of biodiversity throughout the country. Even protected areas (parks & reserves) are under enormous pressure from encroachment and illegal offtake of the rare and endangered wildlife species.
To reverse these negative trends, environmental education is key to having a national population that is aware of, and concerned about the environmental and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation, and commitment to work individually and collectively towards finding solutions to the environmental and biodiversity degradation problems. Considering that the youth in Malawi represents about 40% of the population, environmental education is the key to connecting people and nature and prepares the youth for the future as environmental stewards

Map of Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary, showing zones where restorations will be done.
To promote the importance of the country’s ecosystems, and the encompassed biodiversity, the government of Malawi, in the mid-1970s established the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary, measuring 166 hectares – set aside specifically to create awareness about wildlife and biodiversity conservation to the youth and the public. The Lilongwe Sanctuary’s efforts are intended to compliment the Malawi’s biodiversity conservation programmes, through the establishment and management of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves which cover about 30% of the country’s land area.
From the mid-1980s to the mid – 1990s, the Sanctuary was abuzz with activities, including schools’ visits for students to learn about the importance of wildlife, ecosystems, and environmental protection. Many people from Lilongwe City and guests to the city visited the Sanctuary to see wildlife documentaries, displays of wildlife artifacts in the auditorium, and live wildlife, which were kept in well-maintained outdoor enclosures.
Over the past two decades, environmental education facilitates have severely deteriorated due to limited financial resources. The live wildlife in enclosures have been removed, the auditorium (including the displayed wildlife artifacts) is in a state of deterioration, while the nature trails, which are intended to provide visitor’s access to the various natural assets, including the relic biodiversity have not been maintained; hence, reducing the educational and aesthetic appeal of the Sanctuary.
DEVECON Limited and the Department of National Parks & Wildlife (DNPW) have partnered to restore the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary to standards that will be commensurate to the provision of environmental education, recreation and aesthetically contribute to the marketing of the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary. This in turn will contribute to the fulfillment of Sanctuary’s primary objective of creating awareness about wildlife and biodiversity conservation to the youth and the public
Restoration Activities
Development of a Management and Zonation Plan
Delineating the available and planned developments, biomes, and inventories of wildlife species (fauna & flora) and their distribution in the Sanctuary.
Production of Learning and Knowledge Products
Inclusive of banners for display in the auditorium, nature trails, and bird-watching towers; re-mounting the wildlife artefacts in the auditorium; and production of the Sanctuary’s Map, and pamphlets/brochures on the full range of biodiversity found in the Sanctuary, and the country. These information brochures will also include briefs on Malawi’s culture, and its diversity.
Rehabilitate the Auditorium
Currently the auditorium is in a state of decay as shown is the picture on the left. All wildlife artefacts, and information displays require significant renovations, as well as introducing new ones to embrace a fully spectrum of the Malawi’s ecosystems and the encompassed biodiversity.
Rehabilitation of the Nature Trails
Development of picnic sites in the Sanctuary – improving information display at vintage points to broaden the themes, which will include bird watching, and increasing the knowledge of the Sanctuary biodiversity assets. Currently nature trails are unpaved and subject to soil erosion, which negatively affects the Sanctuary’s ecosystems integrity, including the Lingadzi river, which is one of the major biomes.
Construction of Bird-Watching Stand
At specific vantage points in the Sanctuary, e.g. river front, and other physiognomic components to optimize the chances to observe a wide variety of birds which are present in the Sanctuary. Currently the Sanctuary does not have any bird-watching towers; thus, limiting the opportunity to fully explore and enjoy the Nature Sanctuary’s biodiversity.
Procurement of Binoculars
For rental to students and for hire by tourists visiting the Sanctuary to watch a wide variety of birds, which are present in the Sanctuary. More than a hundred birds species have been recorded in Lilongwe District, including the Nature Sanctuary.
Procurement & Installation of Infra-Red Night & Day Vision Cameras
At strategic sites in the Sanctuary to capture the behaviour of wild animals, such as hyaena, duiker, porcupine, etc., which still exist in the wild in the Sanctuary for children to observe while seated in the auditorium. This will provide a unique approach to educating both the youth and adults about wild animal behaviour both during the day and at night.
Develop a Children’s Playground
The children’s playground is expected to be a magnet for young children, who besides learning about nature, will enjoy playing with peers while visiting the Sanctuary with their parents.
Promotion of Traditional Dances
During weekends to educate the youth, and visitors to the Sanctuary about Malawi’s cultural diversity. The link between culture and dance is a well recognised phenomena in Malawi and elsewhere in Africa. Therefore, featuring traditional dances from various cultural groupings of Malawi will be very educative to Malawians and tourists when they visit the Sanctuary.
The primary objective is to restore the Sanctuary’s awareness infrastructure and tools and contribute to fulfillment of its primary objective of creating awareness about wildlife and biodiversity conservation to the youth and the public. DEVECON Limited will rehabilitate the auditorium in Zone A of the Sanctuary, the indoor displays, nature trails (in Zones A&C), library, establish bird-watching platforms, etc. to make the Sanctuary more appealing to both the youth and adults.
It is expected that the restoration of the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary will result into:
- Increased number of the youth and the public to the Sanctuary to learn about the country’s rich biodiversity and cultures.
- Fulfilment of the Sanctuary’s primary objective of creating awareness about wildlife and biodiversity conservation to the youth and the public.
- A Malawi population that is aware of, and concerned about the environmental and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation, and commitment to work individually and collectively towards finding solutions to the environmental and biodiversity degradation problems in the country.
The outlook in the next 5-10 years is to make the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary a hub of knowledge acquisition by the youth on biodiversity conservation, and a melting pot of cultures, entertainment, cuisine, and outdoor recreation.
The youth, adults and tourists visiting Lilongwe City. Overall, an integrated package of the auditorium, walking trails, picnic sites, children’s playground, and deeply captivating traditional dances during weekends will provide excellent and friendly customer services to support an ambiance of learning, energetic outdoor recreation and fun.
DEVECON Limited uses a combination of philanthropic fundraising (this proposal) for the rehabilitation of the environmental education facilities, including procurement of educational equipment, interpretation services, and upgrading of the nature trails. For the daily operations, DEVECON Limited and the Department of National Parks & Wildlife will use their own resources.
Our vision in upgrading the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary is to establish a presence as a successful environmental education center, catering to all tiers of society in the Lilongwe city and beyond. To maintain the infrastructure and equipment to be procured under this grant, if provided, the following will contribute to this endeavour:
- Selling of maps to visitors to the Sanctuary
- Levying fees on usage of the nature trails
- Hiring of binoculars for birdwatching
- Levying fees for watching traditional dances to be convened weekly over week ends
- Levying fees for usage of the auditorium for small workshops (max 30 people at a time)
- Levying fees on merchandize, such as curios, T-shirts, coffee, etc. which will be promoted through private entrepreneurship engagements.